Meetup #15

Andrija Jambrović

Why you should use Marionette.js

(Explained on an legacy app re-write to a product.)

Marionette is a framework on top of Backbone.js library which brought a set of standard patterns and best practices to Backbone-based Single Page Apps stack. You really should use it, and now you have a chance to learn why.

Luka Mužinić

How to add falling snowflakes in DHTML

No, srsly...

Davor Jerbić


We'll present basics of Phantom.js and how to use it for testing JavaScript. Phantom's use in TestDome's tests will be discussed as a case study.

Meetup #14

Neven Falica


Prošli smo do sada nekolicinu client-side MV* frameworka, red je da se dotaknemo i KnockoutJS-a. MVVM framework, više orijentiran na view dio, odličan je kao nadogradnja na server-side HTML kojem treba strukturirane klijentske logike. A možda može i nešto više? Saznat ćemo od Nevena...

Grga Ćurković

Multi-touch gesture recognizers

Single and multi touch gestures are integral part of almost all smartphone and tablet application. Take a look at Mireo's in-house gesture recognisers used in both native and web applications. Learn how basic gestures are defined, how they coexist and what events are needed to implement general purpose controls.

Meetup #13

Dino Trojak

Zašto koristit jsDoc

Kako postaviti gulp task za generiranje dokumentacije iz komentara te kako koristiti jsDoc unutar postojećeg projekta.

Matija Kovačić

Hands-on Grunt

Što je Grunt i zašto ga koristiti. Na konkretnom primjeru ćemo automatizirati tipičan web workflow.