Meetup #24

Vjekoslav Ratkajec

Introduction to Electron

Electron enables you to create cross-platform desktop apps with web technologies. It is based on Chromium and uses Node.js to enable working with OS, and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for UI.

For years I've been working as an ActionScript developer making cross-platform apps in Adobe AIR. Few months ago I've started to work with Electron. I'm also writing my thoughts and findings on my blog Electron Rocks!

Mihaela Mihaljević Jakić

ngrok - Secure tunnels to localhost

Save time and be more productive. Expose local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.

Meetup #23

Tomislav Gajšak

Backbone stickit - how to do two way data binding in backbone

When developing Backbone apps we often need the view to be in sync with model and vice versa. To avoid getting lost in Backbone boilerplate code with multiple listeners and events, we can easily use Stickit - one of the two-way data binding implementations available for Backbone. In this small presentation I will show you how you can use it with simple input element and more complex elements like select.

Tomislav Bacinger

Forget Google Maps. Meet D3.js

D3.js is JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data to create interactive data visualizations. By interactive data visualizations, I do not mean only charts, but much more interesting stuff, like interactive maps for example. In this talk, we will cover everything needed to create an interactive map with D3.js, including where to find free data, how to add interactivity, and how to style the map using only CSS.

Meetup #22

Luka Blažecki

Integration tests in node.js

Everyone is talking about how testing is important, but there is little talk about what the tests look like in a slightly bigger Node.js application. Nor is there talk about the encountered problems or possible solutions. Through this talk I would like to start a discussion about one part of the testing through integration tests in the web / API Node.js.

Matija Marohnić

Unpacking Webpack

There seems to be a new build tool released every month. Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli, Brunch... So why should you care about Webpack? Because it's so much more than a build tool, it's a complete module bundler with less configuration required. It's extremely powerful and deserves much more attention.